Charles Oliver Nutter
Launching against a non-existent file... was created by Charles Oliver Nutter
Sunday Jul 10
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Redcar should --fork by default was updated by Charles Oliver Nutter 09:52 AM ticket
RedCar ships a YAML file that does no... was created by Charles Oliver Nutter
Thursday Jan 20
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Redcar needs a .app for OS X was created by Charles Oliver Nutter
Monday May 03
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Support piping from command line to redcar commant was updated by Charles Oliver Nutter 09:49 PM ticket
Closing last tab in an editor window ... was created by Charles Oliver Nutter
Sunday May 02
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Editor's "dirty" state does not reset when undoing all the way back was updated by Charles Oliver Nutter 07:25 PM ticket
Editor's "dirty" state does not reset... was created by Charles Oliver Nutter 07:24 PM ticket
Lighthouse still shows "A programmer'... was created by Charles Oliver Nutter 07:22 PM ticket
Support piping from command line to redcar commant was updated by Charles Oliver Nutter 07:07 PM ticket