Aaron Aberg
Word Search hangs and isn't doing any...
was created by Aaron Aberg
Sunday May 15
ticket -
Redcar stops taking input from the ke...
was created by Aaron Aberg
Friday Sep 17
ticket - Redcar doesn't set the proper documen... was created by Aaron Aberg 08:54 AM ticket
- respond_to (html) snippet doesn't work was created by Aaron Aberg 08:51 AM ticket
Redcar crashes when you drag a file over the window
was updated by Aaron Aberg
Saturday Sep 11
ticket - Redcar crashes for an unknown reason was created by Aaron Aberg 08:42 AM ticket
The ability to show hidden files
was created by Aaron Aberg
Friday Aug 27
ticket -
Creating a new file from the editor and can't open it with the editor
was updated by Aaron Aberg
Wednesday Aug 25
ticket - Tab stays open after deleting a file was created by Aaron Aberg 03:25 AM ticket
- Creating a new file from the editor a... was created by Aaron Aberg 01:15 AM ticket